Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Placing your cities, Training and Farming

Hello everyone

Since we are trying to use our time the best, so we can do more things in short and maybe the shortest time, we need to do some maths

I am 'engsalem' going to tell you from my experience what i have been doing over than year

Placing my cities

After merger, when i first picked my cities locations, i picked them having many flats around

Then i picked the flat that has more close flats around to place my city

I also picked locations that are at least 10 miles far from each other (some are closer now)

I chose my locations to be close not random and in some kinda circle

I made a map for them

After placing them on the map, i knew what city is much closer to other
I numbered them on the map by closeness to each other

And calculated miles and time in sec for scouts and trans between each city and the closest one in circle

For Training

Lets work on next map

I chose my base city to be L10 farm city 'Capped NPC10' and placed it at the center of the circle of cities

To start training in the shortest time considering these conditions
My best attack hero in the base city with enough trans or horses to move resources to all cities & all my cities are close, have mostly same 'full' population, have 1 free space in the Feasting Hall and have same taxes '0'

1: I send 'needed' resources 'calculated' to train a certain number of troops from the Base city to the rest cities with trans or horses in known time

2: Just b4 training i put production in all cities to 0%

3: I move my best hero with 1 scout from my base City to the closest City in cycle according to the map
Then the closest one in circle till i finish training in all cities
In this map, from 1st > 2nd > 3rd > 4th > 5th > 6th > 1st City again

4: After training in each city, and while the hero moving to next city, i put population back to '100' and comfort 'Population Raising' to add '5%' of the full pop
Your city will have more '5%' each 6 minutes till it reach 100% full pop if u have 100/0 loyalty/tax

For Farming

To start farming NPCs10 in the shortest time considering that your cities have the needed troops and heroes ready to farm NPCs10

I farm in cycle from south then east then north then west and the closest NPCs10 1mile then 1.2miles then 2miles then 2.2miles, etc

Using next map, i send to 1-1 then 2-1 then 3-1 then 4-1 then 5-1.2 then 6-1.2 then 7-1.2 then 8-1.2 then 9-2, etc

2-1 The first number for NPC10 and the other number for miles

That certain sequence makes it easy not to forget, as soon as i know last NPC10 i farmed, it is easy to continue

I picked to start from south because i found that i have '1mile NPC10' south of most cities, then east

I send farming waves then saving the formation using the favorites button then move to the closest city to send the same waves

Moving to the closest city is better for you browser and you computer, since there are many flats and valleys are common between close cities in the map window

Thank you, Happy Placing cities, Training and Farming
Wish you the best


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